They always know when they're tired to just turn over and get the job done.
Just a thought for those of you out there who are wondering.
And yes, dad is shithouse drunk. Thank you for your time.
Tales from the realm of getting sober.
They always know when they're tired to just turn over and get the job done.
Just a thought for those of you out there who are wondering.
And yes, dad is shithouse drunk. Thank you for your time.
Now kids, Dad hasn't been to the dentist since wife#1 (and that has been a long fucking time), and the shit has currently decided to hit the fan with my dental health. To quote a crappy 80's hair band..
"Bang your head!
Dental heath will drive you mad!"
This fucking tooth has me going nuts. I can't sleep, and on top of that all I can do is work on WORK STUFF and peruse the interweb for cold weather biking gear while being tormented into my own version of "the Machinist" although I assure you I will never be as thin as Chritian Bale. Promise.
So with that I leave you with a picture of something. As always probably sushi related.
Today was yet another day declared "A Great Day to Be Outside" for the mainstream public. I am a firm believer in being outside (although the weather is rarely a consideration for Dad as he knows nothing of staying warm, dry, or safe) and that while outside one should take advantage of the opportunity to celebrate Nature's kindness.
The "artifacts" in the pictures above were possibly the fruits of said celebrations. A personal favorite is the "Easy Chair with Box of Empties." Imagine the fun you could have with a case of wine and a recliner in an alley next to a dumpster. Somebody did imagine all the fun, then went that extra mile and actually HAD FUN.
The picture on the bottom is some Raw Vegan Sushi I made for part of a friend's photo shoot.
An observant Reader pointed out some glaring exclusions from my "tribute to P. Swayze" blog a few days ago. Bullshit. Write your own goddamn tribute.
Until next time...Stay Classy, Interweb!
Today a great celluloid luminary passed from our plane of existence. The man who cried "WOLVERINES" while taking out a Soviet attack helicopter with an AK47 shall cry no more. No one is left to protect Baby from being placed in the corner she so doesn't deserve to occupy. The throats of errant scalliwags misbehaving in roadhouses are safe once more. The man who taught us there are only two emotions has created a third in our hearts, Loss (which according to the Love/fear matrix is very far to the "fear" side of things). Patrick has joined Chris Farley in that great Chippendales tryout in the sky.
Rest In peace Mr. Swayze. You fought long enough.
Here I am hung over and waiting for the "terminally late Saturday breakfast date" to arrive and thought time would pass more smoothly while sharing a few quips with the tens of you out there reading.
The first picture up there is from Greenfield, Iowa during RAGBRAI 2009. What is a "RAGBRAI" you ask? Ragbrai is a conglomeration of around 15,000 bicyclists of varying skill levels, sobriety, and intelligence crossing iowa during the course of one fun filled (and this year, VERY hilly) week i. People travel from as far as Australia, England, New Zealand, and Portugal to dip their tires in the Missouri River, then the Mighty Mississippi one week later. I have to say it is an amazing time and if you are into this sort of thing you owe it to yourself to give it a shot. Enough about what it is and on to the original point...
...this camp site picture is the scene of my last night on the 'Brai. This night included binge eating, no drinking (shocker), a run in with/sighting of the Mysterious Majical Hurleys, lots of rain, and one nasty accident. What accident? Well, a few of the local teens procured a golf cart for a joy ride and thought it would be fun to chase one of their friends while he was running down the street. The runner lost his footing, fell on top of a recumbent parked by a curb, and was run over by the golf cart full of formerly fun loving teenage joy-riders. I walked up to this scene while returning to camp from the town square. The crime scene was full of gawkers, self proclaimed medics, an ambulance, all 3 Greenfield P.D. cars, concerned neighbors, one 12 year old girl (cart driver) and one teen boy with a very nasty broken leg. Oh. And One golf cart with a flat tire which was still sitting crippled on the side of the road as we packed up and rolled out of town the next morning.
The next picture is of some funny Vegetable Nigiri Sushi I made myself for lunch one day. Not much of a story on that one.
Until next time...
Yesterday was Dad's extreme drinking birthday bike ride rally bash. It was fun. Not so fun today.
I could use some Nigiri Pizza.
So, dad is drunk at 9:13 on a Monday night. Had a great day of pizza buffets and pool games and margaritas and old style and pbr. Mom and I did some cleaning and polishing of the fridge beer stock. Listened to Budgie, Buckingham/Nicks, Rod Stewart (???), and then it came down to Twisted Sister Vs. Foghat. Foghat won in a pinch hitting battle of drunken memories of times past. Holy shit. Totally rocked my world as we talked of the past and I trailed off thinking of the flat on my Peugeot which needs fixing before Wednesday's big DID birthday bash bike ride.
Wait. Mom just put on Black Sabbath Vol 4, Snowblind. Gotta go.